Take a Look!
We strive to build relationships and connection to create a welcoming, joyful, and compassionate community. We hope these photos and videos give you a sense of what it means to be a part of FELP and how your family can join the FELP community! We also hope that you will schedule tours of our classroom spaces. Contact us.
About FELP
Our philosophy and curriculum
Jenny Barrett, M.ED., FELP Director, describes learning at FELP: the how and why of what we do.
Our Classes
At FELP, it is a long standing tradition of grouping the children by age, and in many cases by birthdays as well. For example, by recognizing that a just turned 3 year old and a child almost 4 are at different stages of development, we can set children up for success, and for the chance to lead as well as follow. Learn more about our classes here and in the following videos:
Two Year Olds
Three Year Olds
Four Year Olds
Kindergarten at FELP
Our Community is a family
Our commitment to our environment
Our Relationship with the Church