Diversity Dinner & Conversation

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Join us for dinner and discussion at First English Lutheran Preschool and Kindergarten. This is offered at no cost. We simply ask that you register here for the event. There is no babysitting offered and this is for adults only.



November 14, 2018 — 6-9pm

6 p.m: Dinner from Sweet 27 in Fellowship Hall (RSVP required)
7 p.m.: Discussion with Mark Carter and Jessy Molina in the Sanctuary 8:15 p.m.: Dessert and coffee in the Steiff room (next to the Sanctuary)


First English Lutheran Preschool and Kindergarten
3807 North Charles Street, 21218


What are we discussing?

In her viral TED talk “The Danger of a Single Story,” Nigerian novelist Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie discusses the dangers of seeing people and cultures in a one dimensional way.

Adichie illustrates the power of storytelling to both divide us, and build bridges across those divides. Join us to enjoy delicious food, meet other members of the FELP community, and share our multiple stories as a way to build community with one another and create space for more equity and justice in our parenting and teaching.


About Us:

Jessy Molina serves as the Director of Diversity, Equity, and Social Justice at Friends School of Baltimore. She has supported young people to make social change through her work with the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights in San Francisco, the John Gardner Center for Youth and Their Communities at Stanford Graduate School of Education, Quality Education as a Constitutional Right, and Welcoming America. Jessy enjoys building community with the power of storytelling and dialogue across difference. She graduated from Harvard College and Yale Law School.

Mark Carter is the Executive Director of New Song Academy/Community Learning Center, a Pre-K to Eighth grade school in the community of Sandtown-Winchester. With over 35 years of experience in academic/educational work in under-resourced communities, he is particularly interested in school reform, and public health education, prevention and communication. Honoring difference, ensuring diversity & engineering equity and inclusivity of emergent majority expertise/voice into policy setting, program delivery and organizational leadership are primary underpinnings of his work.